Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Heart of Love!


      I have driven or walked past this scene more times than I can count in the 3 years I've lived in my apartment.  Somehow I never noticed before this weekend that there were 2 trees entwined causing their branches to form a uniquely beautiful picture.  
     Do you see the heart?  It speaks to me of the love between God and His child, husband and wife, parent and child, brother and sister, relatives, and friends.  We know the only one of these loves that is perfect is the love that God has for His children.  However, when we accept His love shown through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the love we share with others becomes more like His as we grow in grace.  
     Just like these trees, when we allow our lives to become entwined with God the love we feel for Him and for others is apparent to all who see us.  Accept His gift of mercy and grace, and bask in the warmth of His love.  The warmth will spread and entwine with all your other relationships.  
     I'm so thankful God reveals Himself to us through nature.  Keep your senses aware and He will amaze you!